The Pinera Bread Murders: A Charlie Chang (not Chan) Murder Mystery Page 9
“Group members agree it was only one minute maybe less.”
“I’m not Jesse Owens, Simon. Check with the kitchen staff. Check with Jerry. Check the 911 tape. Check with that old codger with the beard. I see him right over there at that table. He was in the restroom and came out of the stall while I was pissing. Said something humorous to me about washing my hands.”
“Count on it.” returned Chief Kong clearly disbelieving.
Chang took advantage of the pause that followed. “Tell me, Mr. Dulop, did you know the dead woman?”
“Figured you’d be asking me that, Charlie” replied Dulop almost grinning. “So I took a good long look. Never saw her before in my life. I am quite sure of that. Poor thing had that awful 666 brand on her forehead. I only wish I could have offered beverages stronger than coke and orange juice to help those writers handle what they’d seen.”
“Most compassionate of you”, returned Chang in a sarcastic tone. Wouldn’t have thought it of you.”
“Guess I know what you mean, Charlie. I used to be quite the asshole I admit, but I’m a Changed man since I met Nancy.”
“Another new girlfriend?”
“It ain’t nothing like that, Charlie. Nancy is a life coach. I saw you speaking with her just a few minutes ago. Remember? Now my mind is much calmer, I appreciate people, I love my wife and kids and will never cheat again.”
“Most remarkable. And how did Nancy accomplish this miracle.”
“Well it all started one day when I was berating a cashier in front of the woman I’d come to know as Nancy. She spoke quietly but forcefully to me right after. Said I’d needed to get centered and I’d be a happier man. I was going to tell her to go F herself but she said it was dead easy so I listened a bit more. She said the first thing to do was to find a private place every morning then again in the afternoon. Then sit on the floor with my back to a wall and my knees raised. After that place my hands palms up on my knees. Then do nothing and try not to think of anything in particular for five minutes.”
“And you did it?”
“Yea, I tried it a few times. What did I have to lose? I was f-ing amazed at the result. Somehow I felt calmer, less angry, and more organized. So I kept on for the two weeks she’d suggested.”
“That all, please?”
“No, after the two weeks we started talking at a table every time she came in. Somehow, I was ready to listen. Had always thought this talk therapy a pile of crap but now I listened and shared. Now I’m a far better man for it and still meditate twice a day.”
“And serve refreshments at a murder scene.” offered Kong sarcastically.
“Maybe I was too nice there, Simon, given the way some of those people reacted but others seemed to be having a good enough time for a while, ya know.”
“You sticking to the claim that you didn’t know the dead woman and took five minutes or more to get to that table? You know it will go easier on you if you cooperate.” pursued Kong unconvinced.
“Scouts honor” returned Dulop holding up two fingers.
“But you did know Isabella Lopez. Am I right?”
“Of course, Simon. She wasn’t really a bad person. She is doing fine by the way.”
“Thought you’d given up other women?” asked Chang.
“I have, Charlie. However, my wife and I correspond with Bella regularly.
“Did you mention that her writing group is back her in Coral Springs?”
“Actually, I believe I mentioned that. Yes, in fact she wrote back that Karen, their new leader, had written that to her earlier and asked me to be extra nice to “her” group.”
“Most thoughtful of her. Anything else?”
“Oh yes, she just wrote last week that the authorities had let her form a prison drama group and that they’d be doing Macbeth – Shakespeare you know.
“Yes, we know, Mr. Dulop.”
“Yes, a nice Christmas present for her fellow inmates. I seem to recall it was to be staged tonight but can’t be sure.”
Chang and Kong had both had quite enough of Dulop, the nice guy. They huddled privately and agreed to hold on to him for another round of questions.
“Way cool to see you guys again” started their next witness, Jerry Stone. Suppose it could have been under better circumstances – if you know what I mean.
“Understand your coming down here to work with Mr. Dulop was some sort of court settlement. How do you feel about that, Jerry?” asked Kong.
“No sure I know what you mean, sir. All I know is that the boss got a lot nicer to me up in Boca once he realized I was working as a cook but trained as a chef and started making special meals for him and some of his friends that came in. When he got this promotion and offered me a raise to come with him I was glad to accept. Money talks if you know what I mean.”
“I see. Please go on.”
“Not much more to say on that though I did notice he got much nicer to everybody once he started meditating – if you know what I mean.”
“Did you hear the cries of the now dead woman in the kitchen, Jerry?”
“Fur sure, sir. Actually not so much the cries as the screams that followed. That whole table and those around it were terrified, running, and yelling – if you know what I mean.”
“And what did Mr. Dulop do?”
“We both ran out to the door to see what was happening. We stood there a minute gawking. Then he said something like, ‘Oh my God no. I’d better call 911’ and went to his office. I suppose to use his phone.”
“Did he say anything else to you, Jerry” Not then but maybe two or three minutes later he came back from the office and told me I should fire up the refreshments we’d planned for the group and lay on some extras if I could. We spoke of that for maybe a minute or so then he headed off in the direction of the loo. I went back to work. Had a lot to do if you know what I mean. I hope he’s not going to get in trouble for not getting over there to calm those folks right away. I know his heart was in the right place if you know what I mean”
Kong took Chang aside, “Either they are in this together which I doubt or Dulop is telling the truth. You finish with Stone, I’m going to get a sergeant to get this time line down to the second. I’ll be back.”
Soon Chang was back to finish with Jerry.
“Hey, Inspector Chang, if you’re finished with me, I can get you some special snacks. We still have plenty left if you know what I mean.”
“Please to tell me just what are these ‘special snacks’ and just what makes them so ‘special’ as you and Dulop keep saying?”
“Oh they’re just special because they are recipes I’ve invented or improved upon if you know what I mean. Some brie which I smoked over some special fuel and some steamed berry dumplings to which I added some tasty herb extract that was just lying around to the water used for steaming.”
“What fuel would that be, Jerry”
“I’d rather not give away my secret, sir, if you know what I mean.”
“Jerry, this is a murder investigation. Please to remember I’m only a retired homicide detective on a busman’s holiday. I have no interest in anything not connected to this death. But I do like brie and dumplings, and have no need to share your ingredients with anyone – anyone. Follow me?”
“I don’t know - if you know what I mean.”
Well nothing in anyway poisonous that’s for sure. I smoked the cheese with some nitrous oxide. It’s not a controlled substance or anything like that if you know what I mean.”
“Laughing gas, Jerry?” responded Chang almost smiling. “And the extract you used for steaming the dumplings?”
“Just some stuff lying around a friend’s kitchen.”
“Jerry” started Chang kindly “I’m your friend in this matter not a policeman. You must be open and honest with me. Hold back and you could get in trouble.”
“Ummm, we I… I mean my friend… picked it up in Colorado where it’s perf
ectly legal and in the last election, Florida….”
“Enough, Jerry. Think it possible any of that smoke and steam could have got out into the dining area of the restaurant?”
“Um, well there was a lot of it and our ventilation system is kind of on the blink if you know what I mean.”
Chang, put his palms together and leaned back to reflect before speaking.
“As Confucius would say, ‘No problema’. Jerry, you know it was my most noble ancestors that invented the dumpling. Let me try some of them and some of that brie too.”
“Way out, Inspector. I knew you were a cool guy inside - if you know what I mean.”
When served, Charlie took a small bite of each then excused Jerry and bagged the rest.
A few minutes later Kong returned bringing Doc Lytle with him.
“Learn anything more from Stone, Charlie?” inquired Kong.
Charlie just grinned.
“Charlie, you okay?” asked the doctor earnestly.
“Where does most noble ship go when it is sick?”
After pausing for effect and then getting Kong to agree on immunity on a “hypothetical”, Charlie shared what he’d learned and that even his small bite had given him a significant buzz. “A most potent recipe. Most certain we now can understand the party here and maybe more.”
Betty and Dana had also joined the group as Chang spoke.
“That weed could have a time and memory depressing effect too.” offered Doc Lytle.
“Duh yea.” Interjected Betty before she bit her tongue.
“Yeppers, I’ve heard that from friends too… not close friends mind you.” added Dana clearly also regretting her spontaneous nature.
Chang suppressed a smile and started gravely. “Confucius say opium will rob you of your soul. Then again, opium is not legal in Colorado. Please to relax, I may be old but live in twenty-first century.”
The detectives finished up with the staff and witnesses who’d been attending the party. None added anything new though staff did confirm Dulop’s version on timing. The one exception was a writer named Harry, a veteran of the Boca group, who preferred to safety of the rear of the restaurant to staying at the table of death. He offered rather spontaneously that he’d seen Martine Domingo in the restaurant shortly before the meeting.
“I knew Martine rather well as she’d been an alternate group leader. I waved at her thinking she was joining this group. She just ignored me and turned and quickly left.”
Word came to Kong that a patrol car transporting Martine was on its way. Kong was told that she was being quite cooperative.
A detective Blackstone also reported in. He had carried out the analysis requested of the sergeant by Kong.
“The initial 911 call from Dulop was received at 8:35. Say it took him just a minute to get to the phone. That means he heard the screams at 8:34. The 911 operator was quite thorough at gathering information. The call lasted four minutes fifteen seconds. Given the matter was not a crime in progress call, the operator chose not to pass the police attention request on to the dispatcher till Dulop rang off. That would be 8:40 give or take. Coral Springs is not that large a town, still we should allow a minute or two for the first cars to digest the message, get rolling, and for their sirens to be close enough to be heard inside a noisy restaurant. So now we are to say 8:42 give or take.”
“I’m with you so far. Please go on.” Interjected Kong.
“From what you told me, Dulop arrived at the table then said a few words about 911 and refreshments. Let’s give that a minute maybe 90 seconds. Then several witnesses report sirens heard as this Lee person starts to berate Dulop. So we are talking about 8:43 or 8:44. The first car reported they’d arrived on scene at 8:45. Which confirms my arithmetic.”
“And 8:34 to 8:40 is six minutes. Dulop is telling the truth. It’s the six witnesses that are all dead wrong about his speed of arrival.” admitted Kong. “Could some fumes from the kitchen had such a time distortion effect, Doc?”
Charlie Chang appeared to be sleeping and just giggled in his relaxed state.
Lytle glanced toward Chang before answering.
“I just don’t know. Nitrous oxide and pot fumes? A crazy combination. I doubt there has been a whole lot of research on their combined effect though our colleague’s reaction here - he who took just some small bites - suggests to me it’s a potent one. Moreover, I do know that inhalation can produce some very rapid effects and…..oops. I can finish later. Our favorite shaman in training was just escorted in. I’m sure what she has to say will be much more interesting than what I was about to.”
Thank you for accepting our invitation, Miss Domingo” said Kong as Martine Domingo too her seat at the private table.
“What is this all about anyway? The officers wouldn’t tell me a thing. They just said it was very important and I might be involved in some way.”
“Will be getting to that, Miss Domingo. First, I’d like to cover some old ground if I may. You are well acquainted with Roger Davidson. Is that correct?”
“Why yes, we were co-organizers of a writing group in Boca.”
“I believe you knew he far better than that?”
“Yes, we were friends. I had a crush on him. He didn’t return the favor.”
“And your friend, Margarita Lopez died as a result.”
You and I know that that is not exactly true. We’ve been over that time and again. The coroner ruled it was a visitation of God. I hope nothing has happened to Roger.”
“No Roger is fine as far as I know, but his girlfriend, a Roxanne Madison died her tonight under very similar circumstances to those of Margarita. She was here subbing for Roger.”
“I’m terribly sorry to hear that. It’s tragic.”
“Did you know or know of Miss Madison?”
“No, why would I. That whole Roger portion of my life was shut off before it ever started. It’s still shut off, Inspector Kong.”
“Chief Kong now but no matter” interjected Doc Lytle.
“Congratulations, Chief Kong. But how am I involved?”
“Where were you tonight between the hours of six-thirty and say eight-thirty?”
“Really chief! If you must know I was shopping. Got home about nine. Shortly thereafter your officers knocked on my door and invited me to come down here.”
“Your car was seen in this parking lot at approximately eight forty-five.”
“That could well be. I shopped at the nearby Publix then picked up some things at Doris’s Market and made a quick stop in The Dollar Store in this plaza. I suppose that is about the time I was leaving the plaza for home.”
Did your shopping in this plaza include a visit to Panera’s by any chance?
“Why no. You might say I’m rather allergic to Panera’s at this point given my experience in Boca.”
“Yes really.”
“Would it surprise you if I told you one of your former writing group members told me he saw you just before seven here in the restaurant?
“Yes, that would surprise me very much unless it were Harry” she replied with a sound somewhere between a laugh and a snort.
“Why please is that funny, Miss Domingo?” interjected Chang.
“Because old Harry is almost blind as a bat. He’s terribly near sighted. He couldn’t tell me from some blonde beauty queen at more than twenty feet.”
Distressed at her reply, Chang took a moment to look at his note for help but came up empty. He had noted: “Harry: Saw M. from distance. Waved. No acknowledgement. Turned and left.”
Seeing Chang’s world was on momentary hold Kong called a time out saying he needed a private word with Chang and Lytle.
“Was that a lucky guess, Charlie, or did she just admit seeing him?”
“Fortune cookie is blank on answer to that question. But have idea on how to check out related question. Come please with me to se
e Harry Stern.”
On their way Chang gathered up Dana. “Will explain later. Just come with me to see witness but stay twenty five or thirty feet back from him. Say nothing. If he waves turn around and walk away.”
“Do I get the prize if he waves or doesn’t wave?”
“Please just say nothing.”
Charlie and Kong found Harry at a table in the rear of the restaurant. Dana hung back as she’d been told.
Dana was about the same height though somewhat younger than Martine. Also while Martine was a bit dowdy with “shortish” blonde hair, Dana was strikingly attractive with long blonde hair and an hourglass figure.
“Martine arrived here at our invitation a few minutes ago, Harry.” Started Chang quite truthfully. “Would you be so kind as to confirm your identification? She’s just over there.”
Harry followed Chang’s finger.
“Oh hi, Martine. How are you dear?” called Harry waving.
Donna turned and left.
“Yep, that’s her and that’s just what she did earlier.”
“Most grateful. You have been big help, Harry”
“Big red herring you mean Charlie” whispered Kong as they headed back to their table.
“Big help part was true enough” rejoined Chang.
“Do I get the prize?” asked Dana jokingly as she caught up to the men.
“Of course. You were mistaken for a dowdy older woman. Please to enjoy distinction.” returned Chang in kind.
“How did your trip to see Harry go, gentlemen? smiled Martine maliciously.
Knowing she could see but not hear, Chang lied.
“Well enough to know Donna was not you. Not much of a test to be sure still…”
“You lie” returned the smoldering woman.
“No, my dear Martine. It is you that is lying about not be here earlier tonight.”
“I don’t have to listen to this. I came here voluntarily out of goodwill. I will now leave here the same way minus the goodwill. I assume you will provide transport.”
“On that you may rely, Miss Domingo. Famous Chinese philosopher today would say ‘Fool me once my bad. Try to fool me twice your bad.’ We know you’re involved. Stop denying the obvious. Cooperate and it may go easier on you.”